Public speaking teacher Shawn Quinn added a new twist to his class at Camp Discover this year by incorporating news production. Students are learning how to develop a story, conduct interviews, handle the camera, and speak in front of the camera in a news setting.
Story ideas are created from the other classes at camp. Campers are visiting the classes, interviewing teachers and students, and gathering supplemental video, known as B-roll in the video production world, to add to their stories.
After doing a voice check, the first period class began a segment on their own class called “Tell Me Something Interesting . . .” LaKarrion M. was in front of the camera as Solon S. led the interview while James C. worked the camera. After covering the first story, the class went to Modern Mythology Mayhem and interviewed campers Connor H., Makayla S., and insturctor Nicole Taylor for their story. Standing next to the camera, Harper R. provided the interview questions and Cameron K. was the videographer.
When asked what she liked about this class, Harper said, “I like the fact that we get to do more of a non-middle school project in middle school. I also really like interviewing people.”
Regardless of what these campers do in their future careers, they will take leave this class with valuable skills that can be applied to any position.