by Jocelyn Martin

Jocelyn Martin, smiling
Jocelyn Martin

We counselors were very excited to welcome our VAMPY campers back after a challenging year in the virtual world! After canceling VAMPY for the first (and likely last) time ever in 2020, The Center happily invited last year’s fourth-years to come back as fifth-years this summer, and seven of them have chosen to attend. Even with that addition, we have a smaller VAMPY group than usual so that we can more easily keep everyone safe.

When families arrived on campus in the heat of Sunday afternoon, they checked in with their student’s VAMPY teacher and counselor. This introduction helped assure family members that their children will be well-taken care of while at camp. Once all the families arrived, we had parent meetings and student meetings to go over the rules and expectations for the upcoming three weeks of camp.

After all the campers got settled and the families departed, we went to Fresh Food Company for a (potentially) nutritious dinner. Then the counselors split the camp into two groups and led each one on a campus tour. The campers got to see the route they would be taking to class each day as well as the bulk of WKU’s beautiful campus. It was a perfect way to make the campers feel at home!
