Talent Show Emcees: This Is Their Story

by Hayden Teeter

A photo of Hayden Teeter smiling
Hayden Teeter

The most important part of the SCATS talent show, aside from the performers themselves, is the emcees. Composed of the six campers who stood out to the counselors because of their kindness, Paper Theatre performances, and comedic abilities, the emcees are essential to the SCATS talent show and have been for almost forty years. After heated discussion and debate among the counselors, three boys and three girls, all rising ninth graders, were appointed to the position. LD Waggoner, Ayden Dicharo, and Luke Popplewell were chosen to fill the boys’ roles and Sydney Putnam, Sienna Johnson, and Claire Springsteen for the girls’.

On Monday night, the six emcees sat down with me, Emily Jones, and Mario Hernandez and began working on the talent show theme and skit. It was quickly decided by the newly formed committee that the theme of the talent show would be Law and Order: SCATS Victims Unit. Laboring for several hours, we assigned roles and wrote parts. Luke was the judge, LD the defendant, Ayden the witness, Sydney the prosecution, Sienna the plaintiff, and Claire the defense attorney. The next day after class, we reconvened, and the emcees wrote the talent show act intros and finished the closing skit. Finally, the talent show was ready.

Wednesday night was a smashing success with all of the emcees executing their parts perfectly. Their hard work allowed the talent show to shine.
