Returning Campers Check In

Because of you-know-what, most of our returning SCATS campers this year have not actually been on campus before, having participated in SCATS online in 2020. Among our returning campers from 2019, all but one took last summer off from SCATS. We caught up with many of these campers in between walking to classes, designing businesses, learning about the fifteen properties of architecture, drawing political cartoons, and eating pizza and cupcakes to see what they were looking forward to and how SCATS 2021 was going so far.

Jalen Dykes and Jaden Mostiller pose together.
Jalen Dykes (SCATS 2019) of Louisville with roommate Jaden Mostiller.

What are you looking forward to this year?

Sienna Johnson (SCATS 2019-20) of Big Hill: I made really good friends last time, and I’ve already made good ones again. I’m also looking forward to the Olympics.

Eric Wang (SCATS 2019) of Hendersonville TN: I’m looking forward to the classes.

Jack Sternberg (SCATS 2019) of Bowling Green: Going to the Preston Center.

Jaden Mostiller (SCATS 2019) of Louisville: The 3-2-1 Blast Off class, Paper Theatre, and the Olympics.

Siena Johnson with her art creation
Sienna Johnson

Luke Popplewell (SCATS 2020) of Jamestown: Exploring the campus — Western is such a pretty campus to walk on — and socializing — I’m a social butterfly, and I’m excited to keep making new friends.

Joseph McNealy (SCATS 2019) of Louisville: Meeting the new people and making new friends. Also, I’m really looking forward to the banquet and dance. With Optionals, I’m actually trying something new this year because in 2019, I mainly did ultimate Frisbee.

How does SCATS in-person compare to SCATS online?

Iris Bailey (SCATS 2020) of Berea: It’s definitely more social. SCATS online was good, but it’s just not the same without being with actual people.

Jackson Braun (SCATS 2020) of Bowling Green: In-person is a lot better because you get to stay here for two weeks. You’re not by yourself, and we get to take more classes.

Luke Popplewell: You get to converse with your teachers a lot more.

Nolan Rister smiles
Nolan Rister (SCATS 2020) of Clarkson

Adam Loftis (SCATS 2020) of Old Hickory, TN: I can meet people, and the food is great.

Dushant Lohano (SCATS 2020) of Louisville: Last year when I was online, I did not expect in-person SCATS to be like this. I was like sitting on my bed — so this is way different!

What have you liked about your classes so far?

Eric Wang: In clowning, we got to make balloon animals

Lena Bird-Pollan: I like the people in my classes.

Joseph McNealy: I love how the classes are all new, and how I’m learning in each of them.

Iris Bailey: I like a lot of things to do with art, music, writing, and reading, so I’m glad that I have the opportunity to take classes with those things.

Izzy Jackson (SCATS 2020) of Hebron: In Superheroes of Social Justice, I like the freedom to talk about things that matter.

Zay Larkins holds a ball while Teddy Mott looks on.
Zay Larkins (SCATS 2020) of Bowling Green and Teddy Mott (SCATS 2020) of Lexington

What have you enjoyed outside of class so far?

Lena Bird-Pollan (SCATS 2020) of Lexington: I like all of the Optionals I’ve done. I did Arts and Crafts on the first day and on the second day I did Friendship Bracelets.

Adam Loftis: I played some cards last night, and I like hanging around in our rooms.

Izzy Jackson : I like mealtime at a big table with everyone in my group.

Dushant Lohano: The Optionals are definitely fun. They’re the best thing in the afternoon.

Lena Bird-Pollan runs
Lena Bird-Pollan

As an experienced camper, have you been showing the new campers the ropes?

Joseph McNealy: I’ve helped a few campers make new friends. I’ve also helped campers with their schedule and how to go here and there so they won’t be lost.

How do you feel about being away from home from two weeks?

Iris Bailey: Honestly, I’m okay with it because I’ve been home for over a year and it’s good to be away!
