Talent Show Update!

Dillon Tate

by Dillon Tate

As we head into our final days of camp, we have multiple fun events planned, one of which is the talent show. All the campers are excited to participate and/or watch their friends perform in the upcoming show. The acts have been submitted, and campers have been practicing their skills over and over. Tonight marks the first group rehearsal, when the students who want to participate in the show will practice on the stage. VAMPY campers have a wide variety of talents — from solo singing to group dancing — to show off to our community.

The actual talent show takes place on Thursday, and the counselors are just as excited as the students are. I remember my own talent shows as some of the best times I had at camp, where I could laugh and cheer for my friends. The VAMPY talent show has always been a wonderful time filled with laughter, applause, and fond memories as students have fun just being themselves. The event will be recorded, and the talents our campers demonstrate will be remembered for many years to come. We can’t wait for Thursday!
