The Importance of the SCATS Talent Show

Joel Hahn

by Joel Hahn

Middle school is a fascinating time of change; it marks the journey from childhood to adolescence during which many children start to move towards finding out who they want to be. I see this sort growth in every single camper. SCATS as a whole tends to be an opportunity for the campers to freely discover more about themselves. The camp environment is one that allows campers to feel safe stepping out of their comfort zone. Campers are free to be who they want to be rather than remaining afraid of it.

With the second week of SCATS comes all sorts of fun events to close out the entire experience. One such event is the SCATS talent show. First and foremost, it’s an opportunity for campers to show off their talents in front of their peers, but I believe the SCATs talent show is something a little more than that. As I mentioned before, camp is a opportunity for campers to step out of their comfort zones, and there is nothing more out of a camper’s comfort zone than being on a stage alone in front of his or her peers. For some of these kids, going up on that stage to sing, dance, or play an instrument is the hardest thing they will do all year. What makes the SCATS talent show so important is that when campers finishes their act and leave all their fear and pride out in the air for the audience to see, their fellow campers respond with thunderous applause. Regardless of the quality of performance, the entire camp gives each performer their full support because it’s not just about the performance but also about showing support for those willing to allow themselves to be vulnerable
