Teacher’s Talk: Writing – Week Three Recap

The last week has been the culmination of an amazing journey for our community of writers. Last Friday, we traveled to Shakertown at South Union for some on-site writing time and appreciation of this historic local treasure.

Early this week, students have been engaged in research for their debates that took place on Wednesday and Thursday. The debates provided students with a valuable lesson in thorough research, preparation, and self discipline – traits that are so necessary in the college experience.

Today, students will present their multi-modal, multi-genre projects that they have been working on since week one. It is a culmination of their research, and writing through various genres including essay, short story, poetry, reviews, autobiography, and others too numerous to mention.

It has been a truly wonderful journey and difficult to believe it is coming to an end. Our goal of creating a community of writers has been achieved, and we walk away richer for it.
