Teacher’s Talk: Teenagers on Film

Today the students in Teenagers on Film finished editing their films and have now posted them to a password-protected account on Vimeo. The films will premiere tonight at the VAMPY talent show and will be available for the students to show family and friends when they return home.

As we finished up projects, students took to heart the advice they learned from our special guest speaker, Nickelodeon producer and screenwriter Deirdre Brenner, who visited our class on July 4th. She encouraged students to take advantage of the creative opportunities available to them at such a young age and to overcome whatever obstacles stand in their way.

Tomorrow the class will wrap up with our final film screenings and discussions. We have had a blast working with this group these past three weeks. Both Dr. Hollyfield and myself have been so impressed by the talent and dedication among these students, and we feel proud of the work they have done. Now we’re off to the talent show premiere!
