Farewell to SCATS 2012

All good things must come to an end, and today, The Center for Gifted Studies bids farewell to our SCATS 2012 campers. It’s been an amazing two weeks filled with incredible experiences that we know our nearly 200 campers will never forget.

From optionals like dodgeball and origami to classes filled with activities like building rockets and playing Quidditch, SCATS presented new ways for students to learn that was both fun and educational.

“I like being able to meet new people from new places while also having a cool learning experience that I don’t usually get at school,” Ryan said.

While every camper leaves SCATS with more knowledge and new friends, some campers actually get to take home keepsakes from their classes.

“The other day in Genetics: An Introduction, we extracted our own DNA, and now we have DNA necklaces,” Lexie said.

Optionals leave some campers with memories of unexpectedly enjoyable experiences, like when Kira and her friends decided to try a different kind of activity for their final optional.

“For our last optional we decided to do ‘Christmas in June,'” Kira said. “When you think of Christmas, you think of presents. But when we get there, we have to go Christmas caroling to every single group. It was actually really fun!”

You never know what it is about SCATS that will stick with campers after they leave WKU. Kira said she loved how well the counselors took care of her.

“I like how the counselors were like our moms for two weeks,” she said. “They were always here for us.”

Justin told us there’s something other than the classes, optionals and new friends that he’ll miss — the food! (The fact that Justin was chowing down on pizza when he gave that answer may could have swayed him.)

From the food to the friends, the classes to the counselors, we’d like to thank everyone who made SCATS 2012 a roaring success. We are very thankful for the help of so many people who made this camp possible, and we are honored to have had the privilege of teaching these wonderful students for two weeks.

We hope to see everyone again next year!
