Counselor’s Corner: Excitement for the SCATS 2012 Talent Show Builds

Tonight is arguably one of the biggest nights of SCATS, and campers are already gearing up for their talent show acts. With 23 acts and numerous skits performed by this year’s fabulous MCs, the show is sure to be packed full of brilliant entertainment. The suspense has campers and counselors anxiously waiting for the curtain to rise

Counselor Will Bickett
Counselor Will Bickett

The SCATS Talent Show has always been the result of countless hours of effort put in by counselors and camper MCs who write the skits and build the show from the ground up. This year, the team was led by counselor Taylor Koczot and our four MCs — Jake, Jackson, Jackie, and Allison. When asked about his expectations for the show, Jake said, “The show’s gonna be great. Everyone performing is super talented, and the acts are pure gold.” The other MCs expressed similar views after they watched last night’s practice. Needless to say, expectations are high.

Acts range from banjo playing to epic monologues and everything in-between. One of the reasons the SCATS Talent Show is so great is the campers can display any of their talents, whether its yoyo tricks or modern dance. Talent shows have always been a part of The Center for Gifted Studies’ summer programs, and they represent an important component of camp culture.
