SCATS 2017 has a surprising number of potential future detectives, as I learned on Monday during optionals. CSI: Bowling Green, aka Chalk Scene Investigations, is an activity that Emily Powell and I decided to run. To do this activity all you need is chalk and miscellaneous items that you think could never be a part of a crime. The kids had a great time drawing chalk outlines of “victims” played by their fellow campers and trying to explain how a headband and Rubik’s Cube could have been involved in their “death.” The creativity that the campers were able to draw on to create their scenarios was incredible and hilarious. Head counselor Emily said, “This remains one of my favorite optionals. I love coming up with the weirdest items and watching the campers create some incredibly detailed stories. It amazes me every time!”
These optional activities are a pleasure to come up with and are made even better by the campers who participate with such enthusiasm. These campers make ideas that sounded fun in my head into a much better reality. I cannot wait to see the creative direction that these campers take with their talent show acts tonight. Counting down the final days of camp is bittersweet, but I hope all these campers are having as good a time as I am.