Talent show offers chance for campers to show off their skills

Emily Powell
Emily Powell

The annual VAMPY talent show is happening this evening in Downing Student Union auditorium, and campers are eagerly preparing to display their skills to an enthusiastic crowd. As a third-year counselor and former camper, I have been lucky to watch the annual swell of excitement in anticipation of this special tradition many times at both SCATS and VAMPY. The talent show never disappoints in serving up an entertaining and diverse lineup of acts, as well as a series of comedic sketches prepared by a group of older campers who serve as emcees for the event. Aside from an adult-prepared “counselor update,” the talent show is planned nearly entirely by campers, for campers.

This year, campers can look forward to seeing a carefully crafted selection of talents ranging from original stand-up comedy to classical violin– there is even a speed robotics act. The range and diversity of acts is representative of the unique interests and backgrounds that each of our campers brings to the table here at VAMPY. They are all gifted and bright kids, but in very different and equally important ways; the talent show gives them the opportunity to celebrate and display these varied skills in a supportive environment.
