The weather here in Bowling Green may have been dreary lately, but it has certainly not dampened the spirits of any of our wonderful SCATS campers! Five days in, campers have settled into a nice rhythm, enjoying their time inside and outside of the classroom.
While all campers take part in academically enriching classes of their own choosing, it is really the residential component of SCATS which truly sets it apart from other camps meant for gifted young students. While traditional activities like Frisbee and soccer remain camp staples, many have opted for more creative alternatives such as learning how to be a princess and discovering the geological wonder of Western Kentucky University’s campus.
Wednesday night, all campers were given a chance to call their families. While some homesickness appeared (nothing a letter or care package can’t solve), campers enjoyed the privilege of checking the status of their homes, talking to parents, and possibly even hearing from a pet. Campers will have another chance to call home on Sunday.
As a counselor and former SCATS camper, I can assure all parents the best is yet to come. This weekend, in addition to church services and laundry runs, campers will have the opportunity to participate in the annual SCATS Olympics. What are the SCATS Olympics you ask? Campers will compete in a variety of active and academic events throughout the afternoon on Saturday. While not everybody will walk away with the gold, there is sure to be endless fun and enjoyment to be had by all!