The weather here at camp has been a bit erratic the past few days, switching from blazing heat to torrential downpours at a moment’s notice, but the kids have handled it super well and have remained positive in the face of wet shoes and broken umbrellas.
Because of the storms yesterday, we were unable to have our evening activities outside, as we usually do. Counselors switched to plan B and were able to set up a series of indoor activities taking place on various floors and lobbies of Northeast Hall that campers could float between for a couple of hours.
On my hall, I held an impromptu photo shoot where campers could try on ridiculous costumes and pose with each other. Some of the campers liked their costumes so much that they continued to wear them when we went on to play games. As one camper, who was wearing a floor-length sequined dress from Goodwill over her clothes, excitedly put it, “This is my first time playing Apples to Apples in a cocktail dress!”
The popular card game is a favorite at camp. I played Apples to Apples with campers on my hall last night for over an hour and a half without winning a single round, while every other kid who played scored at least once. At the end of the night when I was checking in with each of my own campers, many of them said that sitting in the hall in costumes and playing Apples to Apples with each other was their favorite part of the day.
It was so great to watch the campers goof off and make each other laugh while using creativity. They’re learning a lot of excellent content in class, but they’re also learning about themselves and each other, and it’s a pleasure to help them find opportunities to do so.