Pictures of the week: July 3

Katelynn Meyer (front) of Goshen and Sherafghan Khan of Hopkinsville and the rest of their group reenact their own version of Goldilocks during Paper Theatre Saturday, June 27.  (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Katelynn Meyer (front) of Goshen and Sherafghan Khan of Hopkinsville and the rest of their group reenact their own version of Goldilocks during Paper Theatre Saturday, June 27. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Elisha Van Zant (left) of Lexington and Lyd Cohron of Mason, Ohio, share a laugh while working on origami in Math Friday, June 26. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Elisha Van Zant (left) of Lexington and Lyd Cohron of Mason, Ohio, share a laugh while working on origami in Math Friday, June 26. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Eli Cooper of Owensboro and his teammates on team International Waters compete in trivia during VAMPY Olympics Saturday, June 27. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Eli Cooper of Owensboro and his teammates on team International Waters compete in trivia during VAMPY Olympics Saturday, June 27. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Abraham Ullrich of Knoxville, Tennessee, takes part in a reenactment of a 1992 presidential debate playing the part of George H. W. Bush inPresidential Politics on Thursday, July 2. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Abraham Ullrich of Knoxville, Tennessee, takes part in a reenactment of a 1992 presidential debate playing the part of George H. W. Bush inPresidential Politics on Thursday, July 2. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Owen Harkins (from left), Peter Guthrie and Even Kessler, all from Bowling Green, portray a dinosaur version of "Cinderella" during Paper Theatre on Saturday, June 27.  (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Owen Harkins (from left), Peter Guthrie and Even Kessler, all from Bowling Green, portray a dinosaur version of “Cinderella” during Paper Theatre on Saturday, June 27. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Melina Durham (front) and teammate Lauren Simmons, both of London, fall to the ground after their team won the first round of tug--of-war during the VAMPY Olympics Saturday, June 27.  (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Melina Durham (front) and teammate Lauren Simmons, both of London, fall to the ground after their team won the first round of tug–of-war during the VAMPY Olympics Saturday, June 27. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
While waiting to compete in the main events, campers participate in side competitions such as hula hooping, puzzles, and four square to earn extra points for their teams during VAMPY Olympics on Saturday, June 27.  (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
While waiting to compete in the main events, campers participate in side competitions such as hula hooping, puzzles, and four square to earn extra points for their teams during VAMPY Olympics on Saturday, June 27. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Adrienne Sato (left) and Conor Green, both of Louisville, set up their camera and audio equipment before filming their next scene in their class, Teenagers On Film,  Thursday, July 2. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Adrienne Sato (left) and Conor Green, both of Louisville, set up their camera and audio equipment before filming their next scene in their class, Teenagers On Film, Thursday, July 2. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Evan Poole of Central City and Christian Lauritzen of Lexington work on their coding project in Computer Science Friday, June 26. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Evan Poole of Central City and Christian Lauritzen of Lexington work on their coding project in Computer Science Friday, June 26. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Tyler Thomas (left) of Bowling Green and Scott Tobe of Louisville walk through a parking garage at the Nashville International Airport after returning from a day-long field trip to Washington D.C. Tuesday, June 30. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Tyler Thomas (left) of Bowling Green and Scott Tobe of Louisville walk through a parking garage at the Nashville International Airport after returning from a day-long field trip to Washington D.C. Tuesday, June 30. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Delaney Bynum of Hopkinsville reads a book while Ella Franklin of Lexington sleeps on the plane ride back to Nashville after a day-long field trip to Washington D.C. Tuesday, June 30. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Delaney Bynum of Hopkinsville reads a book while Ella Franklin of Lexington sleeps on the plane ride back to Nashville after a day-long field trip to Washington D.C. Tuesday, June 30. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Albania (left) and Italy (right) face off in tug-of-war during VAMPY Olympics on South Lawn Saturday, June 27.  (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Albania (left) and Italy (right) face off in tug-of-war during VAMPY Olympics on South Lawn Saturday, June 27. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Pop Culture students take a selfie in front of the Washington Monument during a field trip to Washington D.C. Tuesday, June 30. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Pop Culture students take a selfie in front of the Washington Monument during a field trip to Washington D.C. Tuesday, June 30. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Emily Jones (left) of Lexington and Bryce Richardson of Campbellsville prepare for the presidential debate by making signs for their respective political parties during Presidential Politics on Monday, June 29. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Emily Jones (left) of Lexington and Bryce Richardson of Campbellsville prepare for the presidential debate by making signs for their respective political parties during Presidential Politics on Monday, June 29. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Eli Shelton (left) of Springfield, Tennessee, and teammate Rhianna Clemons of Elizabethtown laugh while working on their machines during STEAM Labs on Monday, June 29. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Eli Shelton (left) of Springfield, Tennessee, and teammate Rhianna Clemons of Elizabethtown laugh while working on their machines during STEAM Labs on Monday, June 29. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Aderdo Brooks from Washington D.C. practices her writing skills in Arabic class on Monday, June 29. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Aderdo Brooks from Washington D.C. practices her writing skills in Arabic class on Monday, June 29. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Kendrick Foster (from left) of Houston, Texas, Baxter Fee of Bowling Green, Grace McMillin of Paris, and Hayden Teeter of Brentwood, Tennessee, strategize before their campaign speech during Presidential Politics on Monday, June 29. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Kendrick Foster (from left) of Houston, Texas, Baxter Fee of Bowling Green, Grace McMillin of Paris, and Hayden Teeter of Brentwood, Tennessee, strategize before their campaign speech during Presidential Politics on Monday, June 29. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)