Teacher Talk: Presidential Politics (July 3)

Today the students got to hear an outstanding guest speaker in collaboration with the Chinese class as Mr. Morton Holbrook III came to speak to both classes about President Nixon’s trip to China.  Mr. Holbrook was an American diplomat in 1979 that helped open the new United States Embassy.  The presentation was an interactive format in which each student responded to a variety of thought-provoking questions about the significance of Nixon’s trip.

After lunch the students watched a documentary over famous First Ladies that have impacted their husbands while they were president.  Students then took their first assessment over Presidential Politics from 1960 to 1988 (including Andrew Jackson from the 1830’s).  They took a multiple-choice assessment in addition to writing a 5-paragraph essay comparing & contrasting three presidents that we have discussed throughout the first half of VAMPY.  (The class average over the multiple-choice assessment was a 91.2%!)  These questions included released AP & ACT Quality-Core Questions that involved Presidential Politics.  Needless to say we were very impressed with how they did on their assessment & their questions they had this morning during Mr. Holbrook’s presentation.

There will be no study hall tonight as the students will be attending the Bowling Green Hot Rods baseball game & watching the firework show after the game!
