Counselor’s Corner: 4th of July Cookout!

Counselor Leah Hughes
Counselor Leah Hughes

Let freedom ring! Tuesday’s firework-filled Bowling Green Hot Rods game was a tough act to follow, but Wednesday we celebrated our country for a second day with our annual Fourth of July Cookout. Everyone in the VAMPY community gathered to honor America’s birthday with some good food, good tunes and good company! Fresh hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, fruits, salads, and more were all at the hands of campers and counselors as everyone filled their bellies before study hall. Some campers talked, some sat, some stood, some played Frisbee and others played Magic: the Gathering, but everyone was occupied one way or the other enjoying the free time with their peers. From the balcony of Florence Schneider, patriotic music filled the air just before the rain began. Luckily, though, the rain shower that chased us off the lawn occurred late enough in the cookout that most people had finished eating and were just relaxing in the shady spots of Florence Schneider lawn.


Even through it was a potential downer, the kids and counselors made the best of what they had, making a run for the dorms after meeting their counselor groups and having some quality group time during which they could dry off and share stories from the day. I can honestly say that I enjoyed both stretches of time, indoors and out, and both were fabulous celebrations of pride, patriotism, and camaraderie!
