Counselor’s Corner: One Week in the Books

The only full weekend of SCATS came to a close Sunday, and the kids were reluctant yet excited to start class again. They are now in the midst of an exciting week. Between preparing for the talent show, the dance, and the closing slideshow, we counselors are as busy as ever!

Counselor Anthony Bombik
Counselor Anthony Bombik

What a week it has been, though. The campers have learned so much about chemistry, history, physics, writing, and even building sand castles, and I must say, I am impressed. Of course, the students also have enjoyed their time outside of class, playing Ultimate Frisbee, singing karaoke, learning to dance, and even investigating some paranormal SCATStivity. The whole process doesn’t come without making friends, of course. It will be a sad day when all the campers have to say goodbye to those they’ve grown close to over these two weeks. I can’t speak for everyone at SCATS, but looking around — especially at the boys on my floor — I can tell the campers are really enjoying themselves. Some have even better prepared themselves for the future by maturing a bit, but I guess that is the whole point of SCATS in the first place.

Even though we must, I don’t want part with the campers, and I hope they feel the same about saying farewell to me. Thanks for an awesome first-year-counselor experience guys; Hunter, Jake, Brendon, Brian, Ben, and John Henry.
