Great weather and fun classes – what a perfect combination for summer!
We’re three days into SCATS and already campers are reporting some memorable experiences from their classes.
Mini said she’s having a blast in Harry Potter and the Power of Friendship.
“We did a mock trial for Severus Snape today where we pretended to be witnesses,” she said. “Later on, we’ll play Quidditch. We’re going to make a floor plan of Hogwarts and get sorted into different houses. It’s really fun.”
We also talked to Lawrence, who told us about an interesting sculpture he made in “Sculpture from Found Objects.”
“We’re making sculptures out of soap, and I made a chicken wing because I was hungry,” he said. “My other sculpture will probably be some hot sauce to go with that chicken wing.”
Classes aren’t the only source of enjoyment for campers. Lawrence said his favorite experience thus far was playing ultimate frisbee Tuesday night, which was his optional activity that evening.
“It was team-building because we had to work as a team to stop the other team and to score,” he said.
Victory for many students will come in the classroom when they complete their currently in-progress final projects. Friends Karen and Sallie, for instance, are looking forward to singing at the SCATS banquet as the culmination of their Musical Performance Troupe class.
As part of her Acting class, Karen also gets to perform in a play called “Fairy Tale News” in which she plays the lead, Ruby Red. A professional cameraman will film the play, and then the cast will watch its performance while eating cupcakes.
Given the summer heat, however, Sallie might have the best final project of all: her Chemistry and Physics Fun class will be making hydrogen ice cream.
What a refreshing way to learn!