The Center for Gifted Studies welcomed the third cohort of Camp Discover students to campus on Monday afternoon.
All 134 campers are rising seventh graders, and many are visiting WKU and Bowling Green for the first time. For the next few days, Florence Schneider Hall will be their home away from home. The campers will attend four classes each day with optionals (counselor-led activities) and special programs in the evenings.
After families departed on Monday, the campers took time to meet and greet the others on their hall before heading to the Downing Student Union for dinner. A brief orientation followed at Gary Ransdell Hall, and then it was off to the South Lawn of the campus for icebreaker activities.
View some photos from opening day of camp below and also at our Flickr site:
Camp Discover is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program.