Decimals, fractions, geometric shapes, and area problems were some of the images and problems represented on the computer screens in the Games + Math = Fun class at Camp Discover.
Over the course of this week, the students will create math games using Khan Academy. They are researching games students like to play as well as examples of digital breakout games. In a recent class, students were working in groups to come up with math problems for their games.
Liam M., Gavin U., and Chris N. were working as a team to put their game together. They decided to divide and conquer so Liam was handling the decimals to fractions questions, Gavin was doing the geometry, and Chris was working on area questions. When discussing various popular games, Gavin pointed to Minecraft as a great example. “The whole game is math,” he said.
At the end of class, teacher Natalie McCutchen asked each student to complete a reflection. She posted a list of 21st century skills on the white board and asked what skills the students used during the class. Chris said he used collaboration skills to get his project done with his teammates. Kenny C. said he felt he used self-direction, and Gabe B. said he put his technical and digital literacy skills to use.
Whether working independently or as a team, the students are using valuable skills to move their projects forward