Going with the flow at Camp Discover

Malcolm Jones - SCATS and VAMPY CounselorDiscover campers woke up bright and early on Tuesday for their first full day of camp activities. They were excited to meet with their classes in person after learning their schedules at check-in on Monday afternoon. At Camp Discover, campers have unique schedules based on their interests. They attend the same four classes throughout the week with fun breaks built in where counselors meet them outside with Frisbees, chalk, and other activities.


The campers also enjoy their mealtimes, where there are endless options in the dining hall. From the rotating home-cooked meals, pizza, and baked potatoes to salads and fruits, to ice cream and desserts, there is definitely something for everybody to enjoy.


Tonight after class, Discover campers will meet with their counselors to go over our evening activities. Campers will sign up for their choice of “mandatory fun” where counselors will lead different activities such as kickball, a variety of tag games, friendship bracelet making, ultimate frisbee, Just Dance, and an all-inclusive parachute game. After group activities, the campers will have some recess time as a community before we wind down for bedtime to start all over the next day. We are super excited to have a week filled with lots of learning and lots of fun at Camp Discover!

– Malcolm Jones, counselor
