Optional Focus: Three Nights of Fun

by Darby Tassell

Darby Tassell smiling
Darby Tassell

We are just four days into VAMPY, but counselors have already gotten a chance to host wacky activities for the campers to enjoy. On Monday, I hosted a Summer Solstice Optional, where we celebrated the true beginning of the season. We did some very chill card readings and allowed the kids to dress up Malcolm Jones, the counselor hosting this event with me. The kids made wands while they talked and hung out, a perfect way to start VAMPY and the summer season itself!

On Tuesday evening, I hosted Practice Room Time, where some of our musically-minded students were able to practice their instruments. One camper introduced us to the Omnichord, a unique instrument he was learning, and another showed me her song. After hosting this Optional, I can definitely say I’m excited for this year’s VAMPY talent show!

At Wednesday evening Optionals, the campers will get more witchy shenanigans from me with MTV Cribs: Counselor Edition, where all those who sign up will take guided tours of the counselors’ rooms. I decided to make mine a little eerie, with candles and dragon figures as a final touch — after finally having time to clean my room.
