Resources for At-Home Learning: April 22 Update

Murals of the Holocaust. Kentucky Educational Television featured the interview with Fred Gross and the Murals of the Holocaust on April 15 during KET’s block of Kentucky-related programming for non-traditional instruction. The murals were created at VAMPY during the Nazi Germany and the Holocaust class. The segment can be viewed at the link above along with discussion questions and reflection worksheets.

Frist Kids. The Frist Art Museum has some activities that can help us enjoy the natural world around us while creating some art. They have videos and downloadable lesson plans to help get you started.

SENG Gifted and Managing Stress. Supporting the emotional needs of our gifted learners is so important right now. SENG has some wonderful resources for managing stress, anxiety, and depression.

TPAC Resources. The Tennessee Performing Arts Center is creating some great content to help keep the arts alive at home. Be sure to check out some of their videos!

The Center for Healthy Minds. Want to help support the emotional well-being of the gifted learners in your life? The Center for Healthy Minds has an excellent COVID-19 well-being toolkit loaded with resources.
