Rain or Shine, VAMPY Campers Continue the First Week’s Fun

Sydney Wheeler

by Sydney Wheeler

As is VAMPY tradition, campers and counselors gathered on the lawn of WKU’s Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Center at 7 p.m. on Thursday evening to enjoy the final installment of the Southern Kentucky Concert Band’s Twilight Concert Series. Our campers tucked into the grassy lawn beneath clear skies and sunshine, but thunderclouds soon rolled across the concrete facade of the Fine Arts Center, signaling the downpour to come. The band concert moved inside, and our large group scattered back to McLean and Florence Schneider Halls to avoid the inclement weather. We settled in for a brief hall time before study hall, but as the weather worsened we soon received an unheard of message—study hall was cancelled for the evening!

A mix of reactions ensued as we shared the news with our campers; all were excited to have extra community and hall time to spend with new and old friends, but most also felt disappointed to miss out on the extra hour with their class. This isn’t the reaction that people unfamiliar with our camp would expect — an evening study hall likely isn’t most teens’ idea of fun, but study hall is a relished part of the day for most campers. An hour spent in class with the teaching assistant but without the teacher, study hall serves as a time for students to finish the day’s classwork, ask questions, work on projects, and generally enhance the learning done during regular class hours. It’s a relaxing and fun time for campers to bond with TAs and classmates alike.

The rare occurrence of a study hall cancellation was met with the counselors’ “rain plan”; we shifted into a chill community time, where campers had the opportunity to watch the classic 1999 film Stuart Little (a counselor favorite), gather for card games and conversation in the lobby, or spend extra time on their halls with counselors and friends. The evening served as a great time for counselors and campers to relax together before the last day of class for the week and the upcoming weekend’s busy and exciting schedule.
