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Pictures of the Week: June 30
June 30, 2017
11:23 am
By Brook Joyner and Sam Oldenburg
Sahil Chhabra (from left) of Bowling Green, Ambrose Groce of Morehead, and Harrison Gover of Bowling Green work out a problem in Mathematics Thursday, June 29. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Abbie Camp of Mount Sterling joins other campers for the chalk drawing optional Tuesday, June 27. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Scott Tobe of Louisville give a thumbs up to his classmates in Problems You Have Never Solved Before after checking on his group’s egg that had been dropped from the top of Parking Structure 2. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Jack Clark of Spring Hill, Tenn., fights the wind while taking part in an egg drop for Problems You Have Never Solved Before Thursday, June 29. Students competed against one another to see whose design would help an egg survive after being dropped off of the parking structure. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Zoe Ward of Frankfort takes a message off the warm and fuzzy board in the lobby of Florence Schneider Hall Monday, June 26. Campers and counselors leave positive, encouraging notes for each other on the board. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Cayce Jones of Versailles competes in a game of ping pong during optionals Wednesday, June 29. Other campers played air hockey, foosball, and card games in the den on the top floor of Florence Schneider Hall. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
David Abel (left) of Owensboro and Hannah Jawed of Corbin play cards with other campers during community time in Florence Schneider Hall Monday, June 26. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Amirta Manikandan (from left) of Cordova, Tenn., Susan Lin of Louisa, and Kiersten Hamilton of Georgetown hang out during their class break outside Thompson Complex Central Wing Monday, June 26. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Campers move their belongings into Florence Schneider Hall on the first day of VAMPY Sunday, June 25. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Jack Clark of Spring Hill, Tenn. gently places a textbook on top of the paper structure he and his partner completed in Problems You Have Never Solved Before Monday, June 26. Using only paper and tape, teams competed to see whose design would hold the most weight before falling. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Evie Ellis of Russelleville debates with Presidential Politics teacher Dennis Jenkins in class Wednesday, June 28. Evie and Dennis took on the roles of George McGovern and Richard Nixon and held a mock debate to explore the 1972 presidential election. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Najeo Sillah (left) of Chicago and Claire Pinkston of Versailles play Hedbanz with their Computer Science classmates Wednesday, June 28. The class used the game as an introduction to if/then coding statements. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Martha Popescu (from left) of Hanson, Emma Poole of Central City, and Elias Smith of Somerset dance in Arabic Wednesday, June 28. Each group took turns singing and dancing portions of the Arabic alphabet. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Fernando Franco of Bowling Green shows of the invention made for him by Ali Shackelford of Louisville in DNA and Genetics Monday, June 26. Students paired up and created an invention to help make their partner’s everyday life easier. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Evvie Cooley of Louisviile shows off her project in Humanities Thursday, June 29. Each student designed a plate in the style of ancient Greek art. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Audrey Bratcher of Bowling Green tapes together her group’s egg drop container while Nolan Beasley of Goodlettsville, Tenn., holds the container’s parachute out of her way in Problems You Have Never Solved Before Thursday, June 29. The students were tasked with building a container that would keep an egg from breaking when dropped from the top floor of a parking structure. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
STEAM Labs teacher Madison Moore helps Emmy Rastoder (left) and Sachi Barnaby, both from Bowling Green, figure out how to program their Lego robot Wednesday, June 28. (Photo by Sam Oldenburg)
Noah Lee of Kingsport, Tenn., builds a miniature ferris wheel in STEAM Labs Thursday, June 29. Each student had to build a machine primarily using Legos. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Caroline Hirn (from left) of Louisville, Sydney Schulten of Fayetteville Ga., and teaching assitant Tristan Szymanski act out a short play in Ancient Civilizations Thursday, June 29. (Photo by Brook Joyner)
Presidential politics moves into the 1970s
Ancient Civilizations begins its explorations in Greece