Humanities students share insights on the afterlife

Delaney Young
Delaney Young

VAMPY is off to a great start for the students and for Tracy Inman and me; in the short time that we’ve known them, the students have already shown us how talented, wise, hardworking, and intelligent they all are. During class they have been challenged to think critically about many topics, including philosophy, religion, history, and culture. Specifically, we are examining concepts of the afterlife, a common thread that runs throughout these topics. Subjects such as the existence of God and the true meaning of evil have been topics of discussion. We look at how these themes have been expressed in famous works such as Michelangelo’s “The Last Judgement” and the writings of Jean-Paul Sartre. With so many differing views and backgrounds, and so much meaningful insight into what they have learned, the students’ discussions have been wonderful. I feel lucky to be able to hear what they have to say.

Not only have they been writing and discussing, but they have also been working on projects like creating artistic representations of their own beliefs on the afterlife and what evil looks like, and painting canopic jars after learning about Egyptian burial traditions. They have been exposed to some of the classics — today they learned about and read excerpts from Gilgamesh — and will be continuing to look at many others during class and during their individual research. With the way things have gone the past two days, I can’t wait to see what the next few weeks hold.
