The uniqueness of VAMPY

Aaron Bard
Aaron Bard

What makes VAMPY a unique summer camp experience?

Is it the location? Western Kentucky University’s beautiful campus provides the perfect backdrop for three weeks of action-packed fun and engrossing summer classes.

Is it the classes themselves? VAMPY offers 14 distinct classes this year, ranging from the study of ancient civilizations to the study of DNA and genetics, and in every class students can delve more deeply into the things that interest them.

Is it the long-standing traditions? Celebrating its 34th summer, VAMPY has many traditions, such as the VAMPY Talent show, Paper Theater, and VAMPYstock, that have survived the test of time.

While all of these things add to the overall experience that The Center for Gifted Studies offers to its campers, there is another component that make VAMPY awesome not only for the campers, but for everyone involved. That component is the people that help put it on, from the teachers and teaching assistants to the counselors and staff of The Center for the Gifted Studies who make sure that all of the paperwork and specifics for VAMPY are ready when the campers arrive each year.

I’d like to draw attention to three of the individuals who do so much to make sure that this camp runs smoothly: Dr. Julia Roberts and her two head counselors, Gabe Smith and Emily Powell. While everyone has an important role to play at VAMPY, without these three people the camp would cease to function. Without Dr. Julia Roberts, the camp’s founder, VAMPY wouldn’t have become the favorite part of summer for so many gifted youth. Gabe and Emily, meanwhile, coordinate everything that has to do with the counselors, including planning events and activities, managing the housing, and making sure that all of the counselors are on the same page in order to give campers the best possible experience.

Location, classes, traditions, and people: these are what makes VAMPY like no other summer camp. I know all the counselors look forward to showing you in the days ahead exactly what I mean.
