Field trips and reading inspire Writing class

Maria Metzger
Maria Metzger

The writing class has been off to a busy, but awesome, start. We’ve been writing, and writing, and writing! The students had a great first week. They’ve written literacy autobiographies, essays, letters, and much more.

We even had time to take a field trip to the Kentucky Museum here on WKU’s campus. At the museum, students explored exhibits on three floors covering everything from the Civil War, to Duncan Hines, to quilts. While exploring the Civil War exhibit, several students dressed up in the Civil War era clothing provided by the museum. As they made their way through the exhibits, students were encouraged to jot down ideas and notes in their notebooks. At the end of our visit, students were given the chance to do some on-site writing.

While we spend a lot of our time writing, we also take some time to refresh our minds with some light reading. Every day students spend about 90 minutes reading in the library. Reading time gives students a chance to recharge their mental batteries and maybe even find inspiration in the writing of others. More reading is on the horizon as students start their Literature Circle books this week. They will be able to choose from a variety of titles and then will meet in small groups to discuss their books.

This week is also the week of field trips! As a class we will be traveling to Shakertown and Lost River Cave. Just like our field trip to the Kentucky Museum, students will be able to explore and then have the opportunity to write while on site. This week students will also transfer from an academic writing to more creative writing. As the T.A., I’m already seeing short stories and poems taking shape. It’s an exciting time in our classroom!

Although it looks to be a rainy week, we won’t let that stop us from our writing adventures.
