By Jessica Smith
Welcome to the “beginning with the end in mind”. Although it has just been a few days, we have already completed our first STEAM Machine!
All groups were successful in popping a balloon using materials brought from home despite switching group members halfway through. In real-life engineering, there is always an unexpected variable that causes redesign and improvement. This class faced these challenges and rose above them. Their beginning designs were so ambitious that I cannot wait to see the next two STEAM Machines. Each student found innovative ways to complete the task, and I have never seen so many original ideas!
Next Tuesday we are going to Skype with a Disney Imagineer about past experiences, discoveries, and advice for us in the future.
We have just started this journey that will take us through Lego robotics, simple machines, reliability, storyboarding, and module integration. We have watched many examples of Rube Goldberg machines to get inspired and to learn from others’ mistakes. Students have learned the value of a machine that has a good story or theme.
All steps are leading to our final big STEAM Machine and independent projects. All our strengths and creativity will shine bright as we showcase our best creations to parents Saturday July 16.