Dos and don’ts of packing for camp

By Sam Oldenburg

Through 35 years of unlocking potential, The Center for Gifted Studies has learned a thing or two about summer programs for academically gifted middle and high school students. With SCATS and VAMPY quickly approaching, we’ve dug through our photo archive to offer advice on what campers will and won’t need this summer.

Do pack a set of extra-long twin sheets to fit your residence hall bed,

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

as well as pillows.

Year: 1999, VAMPY
Year: 1999, VAMPY

You’ll need a towel, but we’ll leave the bathrobe decision up to you.

Year: 1990
Year: 1990

Be sure to pack your best dancing clothes,

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

as well as your best dance moves,

Year: 1991
Year: 1991

or your most awkward dance moves, if you prefer.

Year: 1989
Year: 1989

Pack quarters and detergent so that you don’t have to hold up the laundromat.

Year: 1991
Year: 1991

Pack a change of clothes too, so you don’t have to go in with the wash.

Year: 1993
Year: 1993

When it comes to electronics, remember a cell phone. Counselors will collect phones at the beginning of camp and distribute them every few days so that you don’t have to talk with your parents too often.

Year: 1993
Year: 1993

Bringing a computer, however, is a no-no.

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

You won’t need a Walkman,

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

or a boombox. Counselors will plan oodles of entertainment.

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

When it comes to clothing, consider packing a swimsuit for Friday nights at the Preston Center.

Year: 1996
Year: 1996

Bring running shoes if you aim to make your country proud in the SCATS or VAMPY Olympics.

Year: 1989
Year: 1989

Block out the summer sun with a protective hat.

Year: 1992
Year: 1992

Bring your sharpest tie,

Year: 1991
Year: 1991

or a dress for the banquet. Tiaras are optional.

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

Capes are also optional.

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

Bring a game for those few minutes of down time,

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

Or bring sporting equipment to play with,

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

or to jam with,

Year: 1991
Year: 1991

but not to eat.

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

Nor do you need to bring fruits,

Year: 1989
Year: 1989

or vegetables. Meals are all-you-can-eat at Fresh Food Company, where the ice cream machine is always on.

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

Bring an instrument to practice a solo,

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

or to form a band for the talent show.

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

All types of instruments are welcome.

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

However, leave your pets at home,

Year: 1996
Year: 1996

as well as your swords, battle axes, daggers, crossbows, and other medieval weapons.

Year: 2000
Year: 2000

You might want a book to read in your spare time,

Year: 1989
Year: 1989

but we’ll provide all the newspapers you need to keep up with current events.

Year: 2001
Year: 2001

Do pack a hairbrush or comb.

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

You’ll also want a camera to record your SCATS and VAMPY memories.

Year: Unknown
Year: Unknown

But, most of all, bring a smile, an eagerness to make new friends, and a penchant for learning.

Year: 1992
Year: 1992

For a complete list of what to bring and not bring to camp, visit the SCATS and VAMPY web pages.






