We have a fun filled weekend of surprises planned for the campers!
Many of the facilities around campus have been shut down for the holiday weekend, so we planned a night of surprise events for the kids Friday. We started by eating pizza at RedZone, as per the usual Friday activities. Afterward we went down the hill to the full sized movie theater in Mass Media and Technology Hall to show them a movie. Following the movie, we held a surprise dance! The campers were ecstatic when we told them.
Saturday we are holding our annual VCon, which is our version of a comic convention. We have picked a secret theme and will be running various events revolving around that theme. VCon is always one of the highlights of camp for the kids. After that, weather permitting, we will be going to the Hot Rods baseball game with Fireworks to follow at the ballpark.
Then on Sunday we will be doing laundry runs and Vampystock – a fun-filled day of peace and love themed events. This has become an annual event that the kids are excited to participate in. All in all, this weekend should be a blast!