I am so grateful to be working with such an amazing group of talented young people. It’s so awesome to see them put their heads together to solve problems. I am the teaching assistnat for Problems You Have Never Solved Before, working side by side with the instructor, Catherine Poteet.
Earlier in the week the campers worked on making a device for safely dropping an egg from varying heights culminating in a drop from the top floor of the parking garage. Currently we are working on compiling and presenting data from parachute drops that the students designed in groups of two. With the data they collected from both tests, they are to create the perfect egg transport from four stories high. We drop Friday morning, and I am very excited to see the results of their hard work.
In the next two weeks, we will be making catapults, concrete canoes, rockets, and other strange and cool mechanisms that will require the campers to think outside the box to solve problems with limited resources. We will also be joining the Pop Culture class when they Skype with a Disney Imagineer and taking a trip to U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
The weather has been hotter than I would like but Mrs. Poteet and I are making sure the the campers stay hydrated and comfortable. Overall I would say that we have a very outgoing group and we will have tons of fun solving each other’s problems for the next few weeks. (Get it, because the class is called Problems You Have Never Solved Before.)