Campers settle in for VAMPY

By Emilie Milcarek

After moving in to their rooms in Northeast Hall, VAMPY campers went to orientation, took a tour of campus and played games to get to know each other.

Campers move their belongings into Northeast hall with the help of family members during VAMPY check in Sunday, June 21. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Campers move their belongings into Northeast hall with the help of family members during VAMPY check in Sunday, June 21. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Returning campers Brock McDaniel (left) of Corydon and Annie Miller of Owensboro greet each other with a hug during VAMPY check in Sunday, June 21. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Returning campers Brock McDaniel (left) of Corydon and Annie Miller of Owensboro greet each other with a hug during VAMPY check in Sunday, June 21. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
CJ Sadler of Sparta finds out where she will be living and who her counselor is during VAMPY check in Sunday, June 21. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
CJ Sadler of Sparta finds out where she will be living and who her counselor is during VAMPY check in Sunday, June 21. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselor Nicole Heimerdinger leads her group on a tour of WKU's campus Sunday, June 21. Counselors pointed out where different classes meet and taught campers the designated walking path. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselor Nicole Heimerdinger leads her group on a tour of WKU’s campus Sunday, June 21. Counselors pointed out where different classes meet and taught campers the designated walking path. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselors lead VAMPY campers on a tour of campus Sunday, June 21. Campers learned the path they would be taking throughout their day and where their classes and activities would be held. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselors lead VAMPY campers on a tour of campus Sunday, June 21. Campers learned the path they would be taking throughout their day and where their classes and activities would be held. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
At the end of their first day on Sunday, June 21, VAMPY campers got into groups where to play ice breaker games to get to know one another on South Lawn. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Rhianon Hussung (left) and Camille Rougier, both of Louisville, try to silently figure out who should go first in an ice breaker game. Campers had to arrange themselves from youngest to oldest without speaking. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)


Nathaniel Brantly of Fort Collins, Colorado, tries to make Becca Mikula of Savannah, Missouri, laugh during an ice breaker game while Katarina Vance (left) of Nashville, Tennessee, and Sterling Ortiz (right) of Delray Beach, Florida, laugh along and wait for their turn. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Nathaniel Brantly of Fort Collins, Colorado, tries to make Becca Mikula of Savannah, Missouri, laugh during an ice breaker game while Katarina Vance (left) of Nashville, Tennessee, and Sterling Ortiz (right) of Delray Beach, Florida, laugh along and wait for their turn. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Owen Harkins of Bowling Green plays a game of Ninja during Sunday's ice breakers. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Owen Harkins of Bowling Green plays a game of Ninja during Sunday’s ice breakers. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Rhianon Hussung of Louisville (center) tries to tell her teammate what her birthday is without talking during an ice breaker on Sunday, June 21. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Rhianon Hussung of Louisville (center) tries to tell her teammate what her birthday is without talking during an ice breaker on Sunday, June 21. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Emma Pool (top) of Central City and Keely Ruskowski of Hardinsburg compete in a rock-paper-scissors tournament during ice breakers Sunday, June 21. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Emma Pool (top) of Central City and Keely Ruskowski of Hardinsburg compete in a rock-paper-scissors tournament during ice breakers Sunday, June 21. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)