Campers settle in for SCATS

Photos by Emilie Milcarek

After moving in to their rooms in Northeast Hall, campers had dinner together, went to orientation, took a campus tour and played ice-breaker games on the opening day of SCATS 2015.

Couselor Alex Goreing holds a hall meeting in her room on the first day of camp Sunday, June 7. Alex went over rules of the hall while her campers bonded over painting their  fingernails. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Couselor Alex Goreing holds a hall meeting in her room on the first day of camp Sunday, June 7. Alex went over rules of the hall while her campers bonded over painting their fingernails. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselors decorated each door for their campers before they arrived Sunday, June 7. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselors decorated each door for their campers before they arrived Sunday, June 7. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Campers and parents went to check in outside Northeast Hall before moving in to the residence hall. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Campers and parents went to check in outside Northeast Hall before moving in to the residence hall. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselor Nicole Heimerdinger gathers with her campers for a hall meeting on Sunday, June 7 to go over schedules, rules, and introductions. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselor Nicole Heimerdinger gathers with her campers for a hall meeting on Sunday, June 7 to go over schedules, rules, and introductions. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselor Kayce Hyde (left) holds a meeting with two of her campers to go over their class schedules on Sunday, June 7. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselor Kayce Hyde (left) holds a meeting with two of her campers to go over their class schedules on Sunday, June 7. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Campers received their class schedules, a campus map, and other information at check-in. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Campers received their class schedules, a campus map, and other information at check-in. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselor Will Walters takes his group of campers on a tour of the WKU campus on Sunday, June 7. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Counselor Will Walters takes his group of campers on a tour of the WKU campus on Sunday, June 7. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Caleb Cummings of Imperial, Mo., throws a ball to other campers during a get-to-know-you game on South Lawn. A variety of questions were written on the ball that campers had to answer when they caught it. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Caleb Cummings of Imperial, Mo., throws a ball to other campers during a get-to-know-you game on South Lawn. A variety of questions were written on the ball that campers had to answer when they caught it. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Maddie Holl tries to get out of a human knot with other campers as part of an ice breaker game on South Lawn  Sunday, June 7. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Maddie Holl tries to get out of a human knot with other campers as part of an ice breaker game on South Lawn Sunday, June 7. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
SCATS campers play an ice breaker game taught by counselor Slaid Leatherman to get them moving before settling into their rooms for the night. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
SCATS campers play an ice breaker game taught by counselor Slaid Leatherman to get them moving before settling into their rooms for the night. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Camper Abby Adams-Smith of Bowling Green tries to make a fellow camper laugh during an ice-breaker game. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Camper Abby Adams-Smith of Bowling Green tries to make a fellow camper laugh during an ice-breaker game. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Campers played a "magical" version of rock, paper, scissors during as part of the ice breaker games on Sunday, June 7. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)
Campers played a “magical” version of rock, paper, scissors during as part of the ice breaker games on Sunday, June 7. (Photo by Emilie Milcarek)