Teacher’s Talk: VAMPY MakerSpace (Week 2)

Happy Fourth of July! We hope you all are having a fun and safe holiday weekend. The students had another great week in MakerSpace. We did so many exciting things. We got the opportunity to visit with a luthier who teaches classes at WKU where students get to build acoustic guitars from scratch. He went through the entire process with us including how to carve the wood, different tools he created, and other important information in the creation process. It was fascinating! We also messed with some sewing this week. We used conductive thread and LED lighting in different creations. Some creations included lit up bows, lit up magic wands, an iron man shirt, and much more. Each student took on their own project of their choosing.

The previous week we went to the Corvette plant to see the process of making a Corvette. Unfortunately, we ran out of time to see the National Corvette Museum last week, but we followed up by going this week instead. The students loved it! Even the sinkhole was amazing. Probably the most exciting thing we did this week was our field trip to the Nashville Science Museum. The museum set up special exhibits specifically for our class. We watched “Back to the Moon For Good” directed by Tim Allen, in the planetarium.  It was about the Google Lunar X Prize, where privately funded groups from around the world set out to create a lunar module that will reach the moon and travel 500 meters to take pictures of the moon and send the pictures back to us. It was very interesting and very exciting to watch in the planetarium. They also set up labs for us where we got to see robots that could lift itself from the ground, pick up blocks, and more. Another lab was set up to where the students got to build their own robotic cars. They learned how to use the 3D and laser printer and also learned how to solder.

Thank you for all the encouraging words you’ve been sending our way. We love the comments and the kids can’t wait to share their experiences they’ve had in Makerspace with you in person next week. Again, have a fun and safe Fourth of July weekend!

Stephanie Ghee
