Counselor’s Corner: Singing and Dancing

andrewWith the end of this week comes the end of SCATS.  And with that comes the dinner banquet, dance, and the slideshow.  Both residential campers and non-residential campers congregated today during dinner, celebrating another fantastic year of SCATS coming to a conclusion.  The Music Troupe class performed a variety of songs for the enjoyment of everyone after dinner, a perfect lead into the annual dance.

The dance is always a significant part of camp, especially to the campers, and this year was no different.  Upon arrival, the other counselors and myself helped to ensure the campers got involved in dancing with the group.  After two hours of dancing, I feel safe saying we were all exhausted, so watching the picture slideshow was a fun way to end the night while getting our breath back.  Now that Thursday is over, only one day is left in SCATS, and I am confident it will be just as fun for everyone as every other day has been so far these last two weeks.
