BG Daily News: One Smart Kid at a Time

photo by Miranda Pederson

Read about We hope you get a chance to read the terrific article that Liz Switzer, Education Editor of Bowling Green Daily News, had in the Wednesday, June 23 issue about The Summer Camp for Academically Talented Students. She certainly had some nice things to say about us!

“The kids are very accepting of diversity,” said counselor George Johnson, of Harlan, a Gatton Academy graduate who is now a student at Northern Kentucky University.

“Beyond just the normal camp counselor role, it’s the duty of every counselor to serve as a model and show these kids that academics and academic success can be fun, interesting and cool,” Johnson added. “We have some pretty amazing conversations with the kids academically.”

Counselor Alex Boswell, a WKU student from Metcalfe County, knows what it’s like to be singled out as a geek.

“I want to help the kids get through the problems I had at this age with some experience that I can give to them and maybe make their transition into a cool, smart person a lot easier,” he said.

And, that’s what’s been happening at camp these last two weeks… along with the terrific classes and fun social time. Last night the kids had a talent show and tonight they have their final dinner and dance. But don’t forget, we do it all again… next summer, June 12 through 24, 2011! Hope to see you at camp!

Read the Full Story on the Daily News Website
