Counselor’s Corner: Megan Batson

Megan BatsonWith move-in completed, we made it to the first full day of VAMPY! After a long day of getting to know their teachers and TAs in class, our VAMPY campers headed back to Florence Schneider Hall for an afternoon of optionals. Every day, campers are given a list of activities hosted by counselors to choose from. Optionals often start out straightforward, but get more complicated and bizarre as camp goes on! Our first round of optionals included activities like kickball, card games, beaded bracelet making, and a tour around campus– but with often less straightforward titles. For example, kickball was Kickin’ and Waffles while bracelet making was just titled BEADS!!1! (specifically). Counselors Kaylee and Breanna hosted BEADS!!1!, sharing their excitement for optionals to come. “The kids had a great time in BEADS!!1!, I’ve amassed several bead apprentices. It’s so cool to see kids trade bracelets and customize them for their friends, it’s one of my favorite early camp activities,” says Counselor Breanna. Counselors Addie and Cassie held a watch party for the College Baseball World Series, making baseball-themed crafts and cheering along with the campers. “Our optional was so exciting! I knew we had a good amount of kids looking forward to the World Series, it was great,” says Counselor Cassie. I’m excited for more baseball coming up with our Hot Rods game on the Fourth of July! With one round of optionals down, we’ve got plenty more to come over the next three weeks. I’m excited to see what everyone comes up with next!