Counselor’s Corner: Kaylee Evans

Kaylee Evans

Move Out Day

“You can leave summer camp, but summer camp will never leave you,” are the words that have been playing on repeat in my head all day. After two weeks, campers will be reunited with family and friends as they leave S.C.A.T.S. today. Campers are eager to see those they love in the places they call home. However, there is also a sense of bittersweetness hanging in the halls of Florence Schneider hall. Being a first year counselor, I had no clue what to expect when campers first arrived. Over the past two weeks, a new environment turned into a place that feels like home. I have witnessed these campers grow so much in such a short period of time. While S.C.A.T.S. is a place that facilitates learning, it also instills so much more into campers. They learned life-skills, played lots of games, competed in the Olympics, participated in the talent show, danced, sang, and so much more. In the process, they created new friendships, shared many laughs, and made memories that will last a lifetime. Perhaps most importantly, they learned more about who they are as a person. The beauty of S.C.A.T.S. is that campers can become whoever they want to become when they are here, and I hope they carry that with them when they go home. Today has been filled with lots of hugs, shared laughter, and tears as campers packed and prepared to say goodbye to their friends. Pens and markers have been passed back and forth constantly as contact information is shared amongst campers and t-shirts have been filled up with signatures. We came here as strangers, we are leaving as one big family. Until next year S.C.A.T.S., we will cling to the memories this camp has created!
