Response Lessons

Response lessons are open-ended lessons that encourage creative and critical thinking in students. The lessons often start with questions and the reading of a story. Students are asked to respond to the story through drawing, writing, building, or creating in some way. Response Lessons can be used as a universal screener and are effective in finding high potential students from underrepresented populations.

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One teacher (possibly a G/T teacher) teaches a lesson. The classroom teacher observes and takes notes. Both teachers engage students in conversation about their responses to gain information about their thinking. Response lessons are designed to draw out higher-level thinking. The questions asked and responses requested are open-ended (not looking for “one” correct answer). The children should work independently. Do not help them. It does not matter if they do not follow directions exactly. Some of the most advanced responses will go beyond what the prompt requested. Do the same lesson for an entire grade level. Put responses in groups reflecting children of similar background. Compare children to other children like them—are they exceptional for their background?

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