Counselor’s Corner: Closing Time

Jon WarrenTonight marked the final full day of SCATS 2013. It is a bittersweet moment as students prepare to head back home to their parents who have missed them but away from the counselors that have enjoyed having them for the past two weeks.

The past two weeks have been some of the greatest of my life, and it is because of the great campers that we have had and the awesome staff that we have assembled.  Whether it was winning the SCATS Olympics, triple OT football games, or dancing the night away, I have loved every day of this camp. I have never had a job that I have enjoyed waking up in the morning more than that of being a SCATS counselor. My six campers and the other campers on my wing have been awesome to be around and hang out with.

To all campers of SCATS 2013: thank you for being you and for some awesome memories. Best of luck to you all in your futures. Go Tops!

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